Title Sequence
Imperfections are signs of human passion.
The GoaL:
Create A TITLE SEQUENCE to introduce
The Details
Create a title sequence for a fictional film, TV show, or narrative of the designer’s choosing. The sequence should visually convey narratives, characters, themes, or mood while accrediting those who would have worked on the film. Final video should be approximately 1 minute in length.
Project time: 7 weeks
The Process
The Film
I decided to add a modern twist to a classic formula, and focused the theme of the concept around the situational irony of the classic protagonist being a dangerous outlaw.
The satiric angle was inspired by the classic tale of Don Quijote, who sees himself a hero while others see a fool. This naturally led me to be inspired by Spanish art and illustration, especially the works of Picasso.
Original Concept
The original direction concept was pulled back & simplistic, in an attempt to root the film in modern stylization. After some feedback, I came to the conclusion that a messy story should be portrayed as messy. If the narrative focuses on imperfect people, then vector art feels out of place.